
T&R Pharma Connects Partners with Strict QM Workflow

T&R Pharma AG is the procurement and marketing subsidiary of TopPharm and Rotpunkt, two of the biggest pharmacy & drug store chains in Switzerland with over 230 locations.

T&R has predominantly marketed their networks directly to pharma companies without intermediaries. Opening up to third-party advertising marketeers while staying in control presented a challenge.

After the unification of its Digital Signage platforms, the CINGERINE CMS comes to the rescue: the multi-tenancy feature and the CINGERINE Quality Management workflow are the missing puzzle pieces.

Third-party marketeers get restricted access to the CMS to manage their own campaigns. Playout quotas confine the marketeer to the contractually agreed inventory share, which securely prevents overplay.

The strict QM workflow is based on the four-eye principle. Marketeers can upload creatives and book campaigns on their own. T&R staff is notified of a new QM task and verify that a booking complies with their standards. They can then opt to accept or reject it with a single click.

All of this happens directly in the CINGERINE CMS without media discontinuity. This eliminates time-consuming and informal phone calls, mails, chats or external download services.

The streamlined process yields time savings, financial benefits and a higher service quality for both the network operator and the marketeer.

» T&R Pharma AG

» TopPharm

» Rotpunkt Apotheken

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